Thursday, August 19, 2010

Management & Leadership NOS

Management & Leadership wheel:

Here are the six key areas that form the heading for the National Occupational Standards (NOS) in Management and Leadership which break into a number of learning units in each specific area.

Management & Leadership National Occupational Standards (NOS)

These are the units that make up NOS for Management and Leadership around which organisations such as CMI and ILM build their qualifications. The standards are proven benchmarks of good practice for effective management and leadership and are continuously reviewed and updated to ensure that they remain relevant.

To view the detailed Management & Leadership NOS from the Management Standards Centre

Action Learning:

The Action Learning Programme features the following units. It is extensively used and a well received process that helps managers and leaders solve both short and long term business issues. Action Learning is a continuous process of learning and reflection that happens with the support of a group or a "set"of colleagues, working on real issues with the intention of getting things done. It can also be used as valuable implementation follow on for the Inspirational Leadership Programme.

Organisations such as ILM and CMI use these units in the development of their qualifications.

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